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An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition
- 編號: 0-0721687075
- 作者:Donald L. Piermattei
- 原價-4500    - (熱賣價)3750      - 節省 ↓17%
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- 內容介紹
An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 4th Edition
By Donald L. Piermattei, DVM, PhD and Kenneth A. Johnson, MVSc, PhD

Approx. 416 pages, Approx. 100 illustrations, Copyright 2004Description
This well-illustrated atlas provides detailed coverage of the surgical anatomy of the skeletal system of dogs and cats. It's a great learning and teaching tool for small animal surgery that contains highly detailed and clearly labeled drawings of bones and joints. The comprehensive coverage and vivid detail allow surgeons to explore a variety of approaches to fit each unique clinical situation.

Key Features

Each illustration has been created by an expert artist and conveys substantial clarity, realism, and detail
A consistent presentation, with text on left side of the page and illustration plates on right, provides easy access to key material
Full pages are dedicated to each plate with descriptive titles and detailed labeling
Cross references allow for easy comparison of approaches to the same area or the combination of approaches to treat multiple injuries
Each approach has one plate number, no matter how many parts, and thus can be referenced by the plate number rather than by the page number
Primary indications are listed for each approach
References are organized in one section at the back of the book

New to this Edition

Anatomic labels have been modified to make each section of a plate independent by making the labels cumulative
Contains more than 20 updated illustrations
Step-by-step procedure descriptions have been expanded with more detailed coverage of patient positioning, anatomic landmarks, potential dangers, and increasing exposure
Features a new section in the introductory chapter on planning for an approach, including 4 new radiographs

Table of Contents
SECTION I GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Attributes of an Acceptable Approach to a Bone or Joint Factors to Consider when Choosing an Approach Aseptic Technique Surgical Principles Anatomy SECTION II THE HEAD Approach to the Rostral Shaft of the Mandible Approach to the Caudal Shaft and Ramus of the Mandible Approach to the Ramus of the Mandible Approach to the Temporomanibular Joint Approach to the Dorsolateral Surface of the Skull Approach to the Caudal Surface of the Skull SECTION III THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN Approach to Cervical Vertebrae 1 and 2 Through a Ventral Incision Approach to Cervical Vertebrae 1 and 2 Through a Dorsal Incision Approach to Cervical Vertebrae and Intervertebral Disks 2-7 Through a Ventral Incision Approach to the Midcervical Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision Approach to Cervical Vertebrae 3 to 6 Through a Lateral Incision Approach to the Caudal Cervical and Cranial Thoracic Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision Approach to the Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision Approach to the Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disks Through a Dorsolateral Incision Approach to the Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disks Through a Lateral Incision Approach to Lumbar Vertebra 7 and the Sacrum Through a Dorsal Incision Approach to Lumbar Vertebrae 6 and 7, and the Sacrum Through a Ventral Abdominal Incision Approach to the Caudal Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision SECTION IV THE SCAPULA AND SHOULDER JOINT Approach to the Body, Spine, and Acromion Process of the Scapula Approach to the Craniolateral Region of the Shoulder Joint Approach to the Craniolateral Region of the Shoulder Joint by Tenotomy of the Infraspinatus Muscle Approach to the Caudolateral Region of the Shoulder Joint Approach to the Caudal Region of the Shoulder Joint Approach to the Craniomedial Region of the Shoulder Joint Approach to the Cranial Region of the Shoulder Joint SECTION V THE FORELIMB Approach to the Proximal Shaft of the Humerus Approach to the Mid-Shaft of the Humerus Through a Craniolateral Incision Approach to the Shaft of the Humerus Through a Medial Incision Approach to the Distal Shaft of the Humerus Through a Craniolateral Incision Approach to the Distal Shaft and Supracondylar Region of the Humerus Through a Medial Incision Approach to the Lateral Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and Epicondyle Approach to the Lateral Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint Approach to the Supracondylar Region of the Humerus and the Caudal Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint Approach to the Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint by Osteotomy of the Tuber Olecrani Approach to the Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint by Triceps Tenotomy Approach to the Elbow Joint by Osteotomy of the Proximal Ulnar Diaphysis Approach to the Head of the Radius and Lateral Parts of the Elbow Joint Approach to the Head of the Radius and Humeroradial Part of the Elbow Joint by Osteotomy of the Lateral Humeral Epicondyle Approach to the Medial Humeral Epicondyle Approach to the Medial Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and the Medial Coronoid Process of the Ulna by an Intermuscular Incision Approach to the Medial Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and the Medial Coronoid Process of the Ulna by Osteotomy of the Medial Humeral Epicondyle Approach to the Proximal Shaft and Trochlear Notch of the Ulna Approach to the Tuber Olecrani Approach to the Distal Shaft and Styloid Prcoess of the Ulna Approach to the Head and Proximal Metaphysis of the Radius Approach to the Shaft of the Radius Through a Medial Incision Approach to the Shaft of the Radius Through a Lateral Incision Approach to the Distal Radius and Carpus Through a Dorsal Incision Approach to the Distal Radius and Carpus Through a Palmaromedial Incision Approach to the Accessory Carpal Bone and Palmaolateral Carpal Joints Approaches to the Metacarpal Bones Approach to the Proximal Sesamoid Bones Approaches to the Phalanges and Interphalangeal Joints SECTION VI THE PELVIS AND HIP JOINT Approach to the Wing of the Ilium and Dorsal Aspect of the Sacrum Approach to the Ilium Through a Lateral Incision Approach to the Ventral Aspect of the Sacrum Approach to the Craniodorsal Aspect of the Hip Joint Through a Craniolateral Incision Approach to the Dorsal Aspect of the Hip Joint Through an Intergluteal Incision Approach to the Craniodorsal and Caudodorsal Aspects of the Hip Joint by Osteotomy of the Greater Trochanter Approach to the Craniodorsal and Caudodorsal Aspects of the Hip Joint by Tenotomy of the Gluteal Muscles Approach to the Caudal Aspect of the Hip Joint and Body of the Ischium Approach to the Os Coxae Approach to the Ventral Aspect of the Hip Joint or the Ramus of the Pubis Approach to the Pubis and Pelvic Symphysis SECTION VII THE HINDLIMB Approach to the Greater Trochanter and Subtrochanteric Region of the Femur Approach to the Shaft of the Femur Approach to the Distal Femur and Stifle Joint Through a Lateral Incision Approach to the Stifle Joint Through a Lateral Incision Approach to the Stifle Joint Through a Medial Incision Approach to the Stifle Joint with Bilateral Exposure Approach to the Distal Femur and Stifle Joint by Osteotomy of the Tibial Tuberosity Approach to the Lateral Collateral Ligament and Caudolateral Part of the Stifle Joint Approach to the Stifle Joint by Osteotomy of the Origin of the Lateral Collateral Ligament Approach to the Medial Collateral Ligament and Caudomedial Part of the Stifle Joint Approach to the Stifle Joint by Osteotomy of the Origin of the Medial Collateral Ligament Approach to the Proximal Tibia Through a Medial Incision Approach to the Shaft of the Tibia Approach to the Lateral Malleolus and Talocrural Joint Approach to the Medial Malleolus and Talocrural Joint Approach to the Tarsocrural Joint by Osteotomy of the Medial Malleolus Approach to the Calcaneus Approach to the Calcaneus and Plantar Aspects of the Tarsal Bones Approach to the Lateral Bones of the Tarsus Approach to the Proximal Sesamoid Bones Approach to the Phalanges and Interphalangeal Joints Approaches to the Metatarsal Bones REFERENCES

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