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Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine 4Vols
- 編號: 0-0001254797009
- 作者:Dr.Jason Payne-James (Editor-in-Chief)
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Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine
(Volume 1-4)
Features & Benefits | Reviews | Description | Contents

Dr. Jason Payne-James (Editor-in-Chief)
Director - Forensic Healthcare Services Ltd, Forensic Medical Examiner - Metropolitan Police Service, City of London Police, Consulant - National Crime Faculty & National Injuries Database, Editor - Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, UK
R W Byard (Editor)
Specialist Forensic Pathologist, Forensic Science Centre, Adelaide; Clinical Professor, Departments of Pathology and Paediatrics, University of Adelaide; Consultant Paediatric Forensic Pathologist, Child Protection Unit, Women's & Children's Hospital, Adelaide; South Australia, Australia
Tracey Corey (Editor)
Division of Forensic Pathology; University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY, USA
Carol Henderson (Editor)
Director, National Clearinghouse of Science, Technology and the Law at Stetson University College of Law; Visiting Professor of Law Stetson University College of Law; Professor of Law Nova Southeastern Univ College of Law, Fort Lauderdale, FL USA

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Readership: medical examiners; coroners; the police; prison medical officers; those involved in refugee medicine and allegations of torture; healthcare professionals also involved in this field: prison nurses, sexual assault nurse examiners and custody nurses.

Measurements: 7 3/4 X 10 7/8 in
Pages: 2000
Imprint: Academic Press
Publication Date: 10 June 2005

Description back to top


Increasingly, high profile criminal and civil legal actions around the world highlight the interactions between medicine and the law. Forensic and legal medicine describes the body of knowledge that encompasses this interaction. The terms generally embrace forensic pathology and clinical forensic medicine. However, the nature of forensic and legal medicine is broad and may extend beyond medical and legal issues, into scientific and technical areas, and include specialist roles such as anthropology, toxicology, odontology and psychiatry. Separate from these issues is the much more widely recognized need to apply moral, ethical and human rights principles in the investigation of certain crimes, whether considering victims or perpetrators. Those involved in the practice of forensic and legal medicine and those in legal, judicial, police and other investigative organizations which require knowledge of aspects of forensic and legal medicine often need to identify appropriate and relevant information. The aim of this Encyclopedia is to provide a reliable starting point for validated information across these fields.

The success of lawsuits and prosecutions is dependent on utilizing the best services available, and knowing when to use them appropriately. All aspects of medicine are now scrutinized, not only by medical, legal and scientific professionals – but also by the lay public. Such scrutiny drives and improves standards – and some of these standards have come about as a result of major cases in criminal and civil courts and other tribunals around the world. The drive for much of this scrutiny derives from the intense review that occurs as a result of events taking place throughout the world in criminal and civil courts. Thus, improved methodology of detecting and documenting evidence, ensuring chains of custody and scientifically testing evidence ensures that appropriate judicial outcomes are achieved.

Teaching of forensic and legal medicine at an undergraduate level is – on a worldwide basis – underemphasized when compared with therapeutic specialities. Paradoxically, barely a day goes by without at least one medical news story being published of legal and forensic relevance and significance. The need for readily accessible knowledge has never been greater.

The Encyclopedia of Forensic & Legal Medicine comprehensively covers forensic and legal medicine (including related specialities and scientific, technical and legal issues) and is available online and in three printed volumes, offering any practitioner in a forensic, medical, healthcare, legal, judicial, or investigative field easily accessible and authoritative overviews on a wide range of topics.

The work is edited and written by experienced professionals with medical, legal or dual training – and who are internationally renowned for their experience or expertise within their areas of specialty. The Editorial Board reflects the multidisciplinary, multi-jurisdictional and global emphasis of forensic and legal medicine.

The individual articles are written in a clear and concise manner and are supplemented by diagrams, tables and full-color images. Key further reading and extensive cross-referencing make this work an invaluable reference source for undergraduates and graduates looking for an introduction to key fields and experts reading outside their specialization.

Online access to the Encyclopedia is available on ScienceDirect. The online version will offer all that the print version does plus smooth linking, eg, to cross-referenced articles, powerful search functions, and more. Visit www.info.sciencedirect.com/reference_works/index.shtml for contact and subscription information. Access options are available even if you’re not an existing ScienceDirect customer.

Contents back to top


(Contents subject to change prior to publication)
Access to Medical Records - Rights Responsibilities & Limitations
Accreditation: Crime scene investigation
Accreditation: Forensic Specialities Accreditation Board
Accreditation: Toxicology
Age progression - age estimation in the living
Alcohol: Acute and chronic use - post-mortem findings of
Alcohol: Blood and body fluid analysis
Alcohol: Breath alcohol analysis
Animal attacks/injuries: Non-fatal and fatal
Animal attacks/injuries: Predation
Anthropology: Archaeology and the excavation and retrieval of forensic remains
Anthropology: Bone pathology and ante-mortem trauma in forensic cases
Anthropology: Cremated bones
Anthropology: Determination of racial affinity
Anthropology: Handedness
Anthropology: Morphological age estimation
Anthropology: Overview
Anthropology: Paediatric and juvenile
Anthropology: Role of DNA
Anthropology: Sex determination
Anthropology: Stature estimation from the skeleton
Anthropology: Taphonomy
Asphyxia: Closed and confined spaces
Asphyxia: Findings in the survivor
Asphyxia: Mechanisms of injury (including crushing)
Asphyxia: Post-mortem findings
Autoerotic death
Autopsy: Adult
Autopsy: Medicolegal considerations
Autopsy: Organ retention and handling
Autopsy: Pediatric
Aviation accidents, role of pathologist
Aviation medicine, illness and limitations for flying
Back-tracking calculations
Ballistic trauma, overview and statistics
Blood Grouping
Body cavity searches, practical issues and consent
Carbon monoxide poisoning: Clinical findings sequelae in survivors
Carbon monoxide poisoning: Incidence and findings at post-mortem
Children: causes of sudden natural infant and childhood death
Children: Childhood accidents
Children: Children and courts
Children: Cultural aspects of inflicted injury
Children: Emotional abuse
Children: Legal protection and rights of children
Children: Physical abuse
Children: Sexual abuse, epidemiology
Children: Sexual abuse, overview
Children: Stages of development and growth
Clinical trials: Good Clinical Practice and Ethical Aspects
Clinical trials: Legal aspects and consent
Cold case review
Coma definitions and differential diagnoses: Adult
Coma definitions and differential diagnoses: Paediatric
Complaints against doctors, healthcare workers and institutions
Computer crime
Consent: Confidentiality and disclosure in relation to medical treatment & Legal Proceedings
Consent: Medical examination in custody
Consent: Treatment without consent
Court systems: China
Court systems: Japan
Court systems: Jewish (Halacha) law
Court systems: Sharii'ah law
Court systems: UK
Court systems: US
Courts, report writing
Crime scene management: Continental European system
Crime scene management: UK system
Crime scene management: US system
Crime-scene investigation and examination: Collection and chain of evidence
Crime-scene investigation and examination: Major incident scene management
Crime-scene investigation and examination: Recovery of human remains
Crime-scene investigation and examination: Suspicious deaths
Crime-scene investigation and examination: Underwater crime scene
Criminal Profiling
Crowd control agents: Deployment and planning
Crowd control agents: Medical aspects
Custody: Death in police and prison custody, UK and Continental Europe
Custody: Death in police and prison custody, US
Death: Death scene investigation
Death: Interpretation of postmortem drug measurements
Death: Perioperative and postoperative
Death: Post-mortem changes
Death: Post-mortem findings - drug deaths
Death: Post-mortem findings - fire
Death: Post-mortem findings - organic toxins
Death: Postmortem drug sampling and redistribution
Death: Postmortem electrolyte disturbances
Death: Sports
Death: The infectious autopsy
Death: Trauma, abdominal cavity
Death: Trauma, genito-urinary tract
Death: Trauma, head and spine
Death: Trauma, musculo-skeletal system
Death: Trauma, thorax
Death: Trauma, vascular system
Death investigation: Chinese System (incl. medicolegal death investigator accreditation)
Death Investigation: Japanese System (incl. medicolegal death investigator accreditation)
Death investigation: Nordic systems (incl. medicolegal death investigator accreditation)
Death investigation: second autopsy for nationals dying abroad
Death investigation: UK System (incl. medicolegal death investigator accreditation)
Death investigation: US System (incl. medicolegal death investigator accreditation)
Death, post-mortem findings: drowning (incl. drowning mechanisms)
Decomposition, patterns and rates
Deliberate self-harm: Patterns
Deoxyribonucleic acid: Basic principles
Deoxyribonucleic acid: ethics of its forensic applications and databanks
Deoxyribonucleic acid: Mitochondrial DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid: Postmortem analysis for heritable channelopathies
Deoxyribonucleic acid: Risk of contamination
Deoxyribonucleic acid: Statistical analysis
Detainees: Care in police custody, France
Detainees: Care in police custody, UK
Detainees: Care in prison custody, France
Detainees: Care in Prison Custody, Japan
Detainees: Care in prison custody, UK
Detainees: Fitness to be interviewed
Dogs, use in police investigations
Domestic violence (spousal abuse)
Drug facilitated sexual assault
Drug-induced injury, accidental and iatrogenic: legal and medical
Drugs, prescribed: Licencing and registration
Drugs, prescribed: Product liability
Drugs, prescribed: Testamentary capacity
Drugs, prescribed: Types and classification
Elder abuse
Electric shocks and electrocution, clinical effects and pathology
Evidence: Rules of evidence
Evidence: Statistical interpretation of evidence/ Bayesian analysis
Excited delirium
Exhumation: Legal and practical aspects
Expert witness: Daubert and beyond
Expert witness: Medical
Expert witness: Qualifications, testimony and malpractice
Extremes of temperature
Fall from heights, physical findings: adult
Fall from heights, physical findings: paediatric
Female genital alteration
Fire investigation - evidence recovery at the fire-scene
Forensic botany
Forensic Journals - bibliometrics and journal impact factors
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Assessment
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Criminal responsibility
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Deliberate self-harm
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Drug and alcohol addiction
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Ethics
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Fitness (competence) to stand trial
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Forensic interviewing
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Forensic psychiatry - education training and certification
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Forensic psychology - education training and certification
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Malingering
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Mental handicap and learning disability
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Multiple personality disorder
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Offender treatment
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Personality disorder
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Phobias
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Psychological autopsy
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Sex offenders - types, assessment, management
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Stalking
Forensic psychiatry and forensic psychology: Suicide predictors and statistics
Hair - DNA forensic analysis
Head trauma: Neuropathology
Head trauma: Pediatric and adult, clinical aspects
Healing and repair - physiology - wounds and bones
History of forensic medicine
History of torture
History of toxicology
Human Rights, controls and principles
Identification: Facial
Identification: Prints, challenges to fingerprints
Identification: Prints, ear
Identification: Prints, finger and palm
Identification: prints, footprints
Imaging: Photography
Imaging: Radiology
Imaging: Radiology, non-invasive autopsies
Imaging: Radiology, Pediatric, scintigraphy and child abuse
Immunoassays, overview of applications in forensic science
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Blunt injury
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Burns and scalds
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Documentation
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Explosive injury
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Firearm injuries
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Industrial and agricultural injuries
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Sharp and cutting-edge wounds
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Transportation Injury - air disasters
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Transportation Injury - commercial modes (trains, ships, ferries)
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Transportation Injury - motor vehicle
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Transportation Injury - recreational Injuries (land-based)
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Transportation Injury - recreational Injuries (sky-sports)
Injury, fatal and non-fatal: Transportation Injury - recreational Injuries (water)
Internet: Forensic medicine
Internet: Toxicology
Investigation of deaths and injuries during police incidents: Injuries and deaths during police Special Weapons and Training teams incidents
Investigation of deaths and injuries during police incidents: Shootings during police stops and arrests
Judicial punishment
Legal definitions of death
Male sexual assault: Overview
Mass disasters: Organisation
Mass disasters: Principles of identification
Mass disasters: Role of forensic pathologists
Mass murder
Mass poisonings
Medical certification of death
Medical definitions of death
Medical malpractice: Accident and Emergency
Medical malpractice: Anaesthetics
Medical malpractice: Cardiac surgery, cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery
Medical malpractice: Child and adolescent psychiatry
Medical malpractice: Colorectal surgery
Medical malpractice: Ear Nose and Throat
Medical malpractice: Endocrinology
Medical malpractice: Facio-maxillary surgery
Medical malpractice: Forensic pathology
Medical malpractice: Forensic psychiatry
Medical malpractice: Gastroenterology and endoscopy
Medical malpractice: General and laparoscopic surgery
Medical malpractice: General medicine
Medical malpractice: General practice
Medical malpractice: Haematology
Medical malpractice: Intensive care
Medical malpractice: Neonatology
Medical malpractice: Nephrology
Medical malpractice: Neurosurgery
Medical malpractice: Nursing issues
Medical malpractice: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Medical malpractice: Oncology
Medical malpractice: Ophthalmology
Medical malpractice: Oral surgery
Medical malpractice: Orthopaedic and traumatic surgery
Medical malpractice: Paediatric surgery
Medical malpractice: Paediatrics
Medical malpractice: Pharmacology
Medical malpractice: Plastic and cosmetic surgery
Medical malpractice: Police surgeon
Medical malpractice: Psychiatry
Medical malpractice: Psychology
Medical malpractice: Radiotherapy
Medical malpractice: Respiratory medicine
Medical malpractice: Rheumatology
Medical malpractice: Urology
Medical malpractice: Vascular surgery
Medical malpractice - medico-legal perspectives: Negligence quantum
Medical malpractice - medico-legal perspectives: Negligence, causation
Medical malpractice - medico-legal perspectives: Negligence, duty of Care
Medical malpractice - medico-legal perspectives: Negligence, standard of care
Medical misadventure
Medical records, documentation, notekeeping
Mob Justice - medico-social aspects
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy
Murder-suicide (dyadic deaths)
Nuclear terrorism and bioterrorism
Occupational health: Pathologists
Occupational health: Police
Odontology: Bite marks analysis
Odontology: Overview (age estimation, examination of the oral cavity, radiography, positive identification
Organ and tissue transplantation, ethical and practical issues
Organised crime: Yakuza
Parentage testing
Pattern evidence
Pharmacology of legal and iIlicit drugs
Poisoning, overview and statistics
Post-mortem examination, procedures and standards
Post-mortem interval:
Preparation of witnesses: Scotland
Preparation of witnesses: US
Professional bodies: France
Professional bodies: Rest of the World
Professional bodies: UK
Recovered memory
Refugee medicine
Religious attitudes to death
Religious exception defence
Restraint techniques, injuries and deaths
Ritualistic crime
Road traffic accidents, airbag-related injuries and deaths
Road traffic offences: Standardised field sobriety tests and drug recognition training
Road traffic, determination of fitness to drive: Driving offense
Road traffic, determination of fitness to drive: General
Road traffic, global overview of drug and alcohol statistics
Serial murder
Serology: Blood identification
Serology: Bloodstain pattern analysis
Serology: Overview
Sexual devices
Sexual offences: Adult anatomy
Sexual offences: Adult normal human sexual response
Sexual offences: injuries and findings after sexual contact
Sexual offences, adult: Crime figures and statistics (global)
Sexual offences, adult: Evidential sample collection
Sexual offences, adult: Management Post Assault
SIDS: Autopsy techniques and post-mortem findings
SIDS: Etiology and epidemiology
Spontaneous human combustion
Starvation: Pathological findings and physiological aspects
Substance misuse: Analysis
Substance misuse: Ante-mortem blood analysis
Substance misuse: Body fluid analysis
Substance misuse: Cocaine and other stimulants
Substance misuse: Hair analysis
Substance misuse: Herbal medicine
Substance misuse: Heroin
Substance misuse: Medical effects
Substance misuse: Miscellaneous (incl. volatiles, hallucinogenics and "club" drugs)
Substance misuse: Patterns and statistics
Substance misuse: Sedatives
Substance misuse: Substance misuse and crime
Substance misuse: Substitution drugs (methadone - buprenorphine)
Substance misuse: Urine analysis
Sudden Natural Death: Cardiovascular (including emboli)
Sudden Natural Death: Central Nervous System
Sudden Natural Death: Infectious diseases
Sudden Natural Death: Miscellaneous
Suicide: Other suicide - Etiology, methods and statistics
Suicide: Parasuicide
Suicide: Youth suicide
Suicide bombing, scene and pathologic investigation
Tactical medicine
Tattoos - medico-legal significance
Terrorism - medicolegal aspects
Torture: Physical findings
Torturel Psychological assessment
Toxicology: Methods of analysis, ante-mortem
Toxicology: Methods of analysis, post-mortem
Toxicology: Overview
Veterinary aspects of forensic medicine, wild animals
Victim recovery
Victim support
War crimes: Pathological investigation
War crimes: Site investigation
War crimes: Tribunals
War injuries

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