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Saunders Manual of Critical Care
- 編號: 0721694195
- 作者:James A Kruse
- 原價-3135    - (熱賣價)2805      - 節省 ↓11%
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- 內容介紹
Saunders Manual of Critical Care
By James A Kruse, MD, PhD, Mitchell P Fink, MD, and Richard W Carlson, MD, PhD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM

Over 1245 pp, Illustd, Copyright 2003

This new resource provides a concise review of common as well as infrequently encountered diseases, syndromes, and disturbances of homeostasis in adult ICU patients. With more than 230 concise chapters and contributions from over 75 internationally recognized experts, readers will have complete diagnostic and management strategies for each disorder at their fingertips. An outline format, standardized headings, boxes highlighting key points, tables, and illustrations make reference quick and easy. And, illustrated, step-by-step descriptions detail the how-to and when-to for 25 diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Key Features

Features an organ-system, problem-based approach with short, concise chapters.
Provides succinct information on etiologies, differential diagnosis, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, diagnostic methods, and specific treatment guidelines.
Includes detailed sections on surgery, trauma, and post-operative care; imaging testing and monitoring; and respiratory care and mechanical ventilation.
Offers an extensive section on pharmacology, detailing relevant drug dosing, key actions, indications, contraindications, interactions, standard doses, and side effects, for a wide variety of agents used in the ICU.
Presents illustrated, step-by-step descriptions of 25 diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including their indications, technical aspects, and basic interpretation of findings.
Discusses the hottest topics in ICU medicine, including sepsis; acute respiratory distress syndrome; unstable angina; aortic dissection; diabetes insipidus; sedative-hypnotic and narcotic overdoses; acute abdominal pain; post-cardiopulmonary bypass management; and more.

Table of Contents
Part I: Frequently Encountered Problems in the ICU 1. Fever 2. Hypotension 3. Oliguria 4. Coma 5. Tachypnea and Hypoxemia
Part II: Pulmonary Disorders 6. Respiratory Failure 7. Pulmonary Edema 8. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 9. Barotrauma 10. Pulmonary Embolism 11. Status Asthmaticus 12. Pneumonia in Adults 13. Aspiration Pneumonitis and Pneumonia 14. COPD Exacerbation 15. Cor Pulmonale 16. Smoke Inhalation 17. Massive Hemoptysis 18. Atelectasis
Part III: Cardiac Disorders 19. Unstable Angina 20. Acute Myocardial Infarction 21. Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction 22. Mechanical Complications of Acute Myocardial Infarction 23. Myocardial Contusion 24. Left Ventricular Failure 25. Hypertensive Crisis 26. Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension 27. Cardiogenic Shock 28. Valvular Heart Disease 29. Pericarditis 30. Pericardial Tamponade 31. Aortic Dissection 32. Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter 33. Supraventricular Tachycardia 34. Pulseless Electrical Activity 35. Ventricular Fibrillation and Tachycardia 36. Conduction Disturbances
Part IV: Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disturbances 37. Hyponatremia 38. Hypernatremia 39. Hypokalemia 40. Hyperkalemia 41. Hypocalcemia 42. Hypercalcemia 43. Hypomagnesemia 44. Hypermagnesemia 45. Hypophosphatemia 46. Hyperphosphatemia 47. Acid-Base Disturbances 48. Lactic Acidosis 49. Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
Part V: Endocrine Emergencies 50. Diabetic Ketoacidosis 51. Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma 52. Hypoglycemia 53. Diabetes Insipidus 54. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis 55. Thyroid Storm 56. Myxedema Coma 57. Pheochromocytoma 58. Adrenal Insufficiency
Part VI: Toxicologic Emergencies 59. Approach to Poisoning and Drug Overdose 60. Acetaminophen Overdose 61. Salicylate Intoxication 62. Sedative-Hypnotic and Narcotic Drug Overdose 63. Theophylline Overdose 64. Lithium Overdose 65. Cocaine Intoxication 66. Calcium Channel and ?-Blocker Drug Overdoses 67. Digoxin Overdose 68. Alcohol and Glycol Intoxications 69. Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome 70. Cyanide Poisoning 71. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 72. Methemoglobinemia 73. Neuroleptic Drug Overdose 74. Cyclic Antidepressant Drug Overdose 75. Anticholinergic Poisonings 76. Serotonin Syndrome 77. Organophosphate Poisoning 78. Venom Injuries: Snake and Arthropod
Part VII: Neurologic Crises 79. Status Epilepticus 80. Cerebral Infarction 81. Intracerebral Hemorrhage 82. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 83. Subdural Hematoma 84. Intracranial Hypertension 85. Spinal Cord Compression 86. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome and Malignant Hyperthermia 87. Myasthenia Gravis 88. Guillain-Barré Syndrome 89. Botulism 90. Tetanus
Part VIII: Infectious Diseases 91. Sepsis and SIRS 92. Septic Shock 93. Gram-Positive Infections 94. Gram-Negative Infections 95. Candidal Infections 96. Non-Candidal Fungal Infections 97. Herpes Infections 98. Cytomegalovirus Infections 99. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 100. Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia 101. Infections in Neutropenic Cancer Patients 102. Infections in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients 103. Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Patients 104. Tuberculosis 105. Endocarditis 106. Urosepsis 107. Life-Threatening Infections of the Oropharyx 108. Meningitis 109. Encephalitis 110. Toxic Shock Syndrome 111. Nosocomial Sinusitis 112. Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections 113. Epiglottitis 114. Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection
Part IX: Hematologic Problems 115. Coagulopathy 116. Thrombocytopenia 117. Hypercoagulable States 118. Deep Venous Thrombosis 119. Anemia 120. Acute Hemolytic Disorders 121. Transfusion Reactions 122. Sickle Cell Crises 123. Graft Versus Host Disease
Part X: Intra-Abdominal Disorders 124. Acute Abdominal Pain 125. Acute Pancreatitis 126. Acute Cholecystitis 127. Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis 128. Viral Hepatitis 129. Fulminant Hepatic Failure 130. Upper Gastroenteral Hemorrhage 131. Lower Gastroenteral Hemorrhage 132. Diarrhea 133. Toxic Megacolon
Part XI: Renal Disorders 134. Acute Renal Failure 135. Chronic Renal Failure
Part XII: Surgical, Traumatic, Postoperative Conditions 136. Preoperative Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient 137. Chest Trauma 138. Abdominal Trauma 139. Traumatic Brain Injury 140. Post-Craniotomy Management 141. Post-Cardiac Surgery Management 142. Post-Peripheral Vascular Bypass Management 143. Acute Peripheral Arterial Occlusion 144. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 145. Thermal Burn Injury 146. Electrical and Lightning Injuries 147. Kidney Transplantation
Part XIII: Miscellaneous Disorders 148. Hypothermia 149. Heat Stroke 150. Anaphylaxis 151. Near Drowning 152. Fat Embolism 153. Rhabdomyolysis 154. Tumor Lysis Syndrome 155. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome 156. Obstetric Crises 157. Pressure Ulcers 158. Air Embolism
Part XIV: Pharmacology 159. Intravenous Fluids 160. Amrinone and Milrinone 161. Vasoactive Catecholamines 162. Antihypertensives 163. Fenoldopam 164. Nitroglycerine 165. Nitroprusside 166. Diuretics 167. Acid-Inhibiting Agents and Sucralfate 168. Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs 169. Narcotic Agonists and Naloxone 170. Benzodiazepines and Flumazenil 171. Propofol 172. Anticonvulsants 173. Anticoagulants 174. Thrombolytic Agents 175. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Antagonists 176. Digoxin 177. Antidysrhythmic Agents 178. Dantrolene 179. Inhaled Bronchodilators 180. Filgrastim 181. Complications of Chemotherapeutic Agents 182. Penicillins and Cephalosporins 183. Aminoglycosides 184. Floroquinolone Antibotics 185. Macrolides 186. Antituberculosis Drugs 187. Miscellaneous Antibiotics 188. Antifungal Therapy
Part XV: Procedures 189. Endotracheal Intubation 190. Central Venous Catherization 191. Arterial Catheterization 192. Pulmonary Artery Catheterization 193. Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker 194. Transcutaneous Pacing 195. Cardioversion and Defibrillation 196. Pericardiocentesis 197. Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation 198. Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy 198. Lumbar Puncture 199. Paracentesis 200. Thoracentesis 202. Chest Tube Thoracostomy 203. Hemodialysis 204. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies 205. Intrahospital Transport 206. Do Not Resuscitate Orders 207. Brain Death Determination 208. Fluid Challenge 209. Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube Placement 210. Transnasal and Transoral Gastroenteric Intubation 211. Enteral Feeding 212. Parenteral Nutrition
Part XVI: Monitoring 214. Nutritional Assessment 215. Hemodynamic Monitoring 215. Fast Flush Test 216. Monitoring Oxygen Transport 217. Capnography 218. Blood Gas and Oximetry Monitoring 219. Gastric Tonometry 220. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring 221. Sedation Monitoring
Part XVII: Respiratory Care and Mechanical Ventilation 222. Oxygen Therapy 223. Conventional Mechanical Ventilation 224. Newer Modes of Mechanical Ventilation 225. Positive End-Expiratory Pressure 226. Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation

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